Monday, July 26, 2010

We chose to say no its not ok

Today has been amazing. Firstly we saw Rachel and Josie talked to her, now to give you an idea of why this is amazing, Josie had such a bad time with the ex therapist, she actually hated her and i dont use that word lightly. Josie sop many times refused to go to therapy. Our ex therapist learnt quickly that Josie had some key knowledge but Josie wasnt prepared to share it with the ex therapist. The next therapist met Josie and found out about Josie's past and called her a name i wont repeat, Josie laughed it off but stopped going to therapy after that. Today Josie came out because we happened to be talking about the ex therapist J. And amazingly Josie stayed to talk to Rachel.

Not only that but Rachel coped ok, although at times im sure she squirmed at Josies candidness she at all times respected Josie and listened with genuineness. Josie talked about pain of being misunderstood that her role in the cult was at times confusing and heartbreaking but she had a job to do and thats what she did. Afterward I asked Josie if she would talk to Rachel again and she went hell yeh, next week ill go in, and walked away pumping my fist in the air going yes thankyou Rachel for trying to understand even if you get shocked. Then Amelia came out, Rachel asked if she wanted to be here and Amelia said yes i do. She said i want to trust again I went teary, this was the moment we knew that the system were going to be ok. Rachel was going to be a good therapist for us and Mr Wonka the same we had our team now we had the work to go.

Then an extraordinary even occurred. A few days ago we had made an appointment to see our ex pastors, the reason being is because we sometimes see each other in the supermarket and we ignore each other like stupid little school kids slighted in the yard. I decided that if they couldnt get the courage i would and once and for all sort it so at least when we meet each other impromptu we could act like basic adults and say g'day. I guess for us its called growing up and just letting things go. Now at the same time i received some crucial information that might involve them and wanted to ask them about it face to face so i organised a time to do that.

Over the few days i then contacted via email ex therapist J not the sick therapist the one after her who was ok (sort of LOL). And told her that we had an issue with a document we had received from another source regarding something to do with her and I. I wanted to ask if she knew anything about it. She then rang me even though I said lets talk via email, and drilled me over the phone. I said i wasnt in a position of discussing it with her at the moment and i would call later. She was very annoyed at me but i told her i would call later and hung up.

The next thing i know this therapist has called me again telling me that she was coming to meet with me and my pastors tomorrow and she was going to be there whether i liked it or not. I was driving and had to pull over and the next thing i know she virtually hung up on me. later on i decided that no one was going to tell me anymore what to do and id had enough of therapists wielding power. I called her up and told that not only was it totally inappropriate she find out what i was doing in my private life that if she attended the meeting i would not be there. She seemed flabbergasted at me daring to stand up to her. She then went on to tell me that she felt she needed another therapist present when talking to me and that is what she was organising. I told her she could organise what she liked but she might be lonely as i would not be there and no bullying on her behalf would get me there.

I then told he that the document i had would be looked at by other sources and they would have to sort it instead of doing it decently the way i tried to. now i cant say what the document says but i can say its very significant and something that needs to get sorted. Meanwhile She had called once more to which i couldnt hear her and then hung up. Sometimes i have to sit and wonder who needs therapy more me or the actual therapist LOL



  1. SHIT! GOOD JOB handling that! Wow. I don't know if I woulda been able to handle it so well. Wow. You are right...who needs the therapy more?!?!?! wow.

  2. Wow, Sa'de you've done a wonderful job. I can't express in words how much this post has touched me. You guys are healing you are all on the journey of recovery! Your responses to the conflict in front of you speak volumes about your own mental wellness.
    I am so happy for your system to have those who were so damaged by the past therapies come forward and reclaim their voice, welcome back.

  3. Glad I found you!
    I often think that therapists go into the field of psychology to try to figure out their own problems. ;-)
