Thursday, July 29, 2010

Amelia and Josie (religious anger included)

Rachel asked me the other day what I would like to see about my therapy, and I had to answer i would like to get and get my trust back Now I understand that that might sound kind of weird and i don't want my ex therapist to be the centre of this blog but i have to admit i dont trust a much because of her.

I know i perhaps seem so timid in all the blogs ive written but i havnt always been so shy and scared. Once a long time ago i was wife and then mother to some ofthe children. But as time etched on my ego drooped and i became afraid. it started with a phone call many moons ago from my ex therapist at my home uninvited and unannounced. I cant explain why that is important but maybe as i get more trust i will try to talk to Rachel as to why this somewhat innocent event maybe wasnt so innocent after all. Perhaps so many times hearing ssssshhhhh Amelia you dont know what youre talking about said by both the systam and the ex therapist made me wonder my own sanity. But I do know one thing the ex therapist didnt crush me enough to be dead (which is where i almost was) so maybe its time to get therapy to work out why i remained alive.
Hmmmmm Well you know then theres me . Wooohooo party girl personified. In the last two years i have met more people similar to the ex therapist including the other ex Therapist J. And i i have reached a solid conclusion which i shared with rachel just the other day. I have decided upon all things that there are two definites in life. fundamental bible belt religious off the shelf Jesus said people just DONT have good sex. In fact ive decided that in order of them to be as screwed as they are they have not had a single orgasm their whole life. The reson ive got this conclusion is because of this. I have never met a fundamental Christan who isnt pent up on sex. Either by anyone having it or them having it themselves. In fact i have decided that missionary's are called that because of one reason alone and that is the sexual position you must undertake in order to be under the control of another.
Now i know some of you are sucking it up screaming at me but let me tell you the sermons Ive heard about god said you do this in sex and that in sex tells me one thing FUNDY CHRISTIANS DONT KNOW HOW TO HAVE GOOD SEX, even worse not only do they not know how they have bene taught masturbations a evil sin punishable to death. Wohoooo if that aint bad enough they tlel their young girls be good and keep your virginity and god will reward you, reward you with what ??????????? a life fulfilled with pleasure oh yeh right. nah ahh be good let the guy do what he wants then have kids and do it all again.
Yeh perhaps the lat therapist said it right J said that i was only a little whore. But at least i know that little whores are better than righteous bullshitters


  1. Thanks for sharing, Amelia, glad you are feeling safe.
    Ha, Josie, loved your last sentence. Sounds alot like some of my views.

  2. I'm glad you survived the ex therapist Amelia, I hope one day you can live free of all the pain she caused. Josie my heart reaches out to you... my therapist is a christian, she's real and honest she's helping us understand that sexuality isn't bad or dirty but beautiful...
