Sunday, October 24, 2010

movin on

Ya know ive been watchin wats been goin for a while now. An i know the courage it takes ta talk bout the shit ya go thropugh. Im real proud of al em steps they are all takin ta make shit go way adn life return ta no pain. But its baby steps i seen dehshanti this week struggle in her pain. Shes stuffin it all down but it aint goin way for her, sdhe aint doin like she did with the nightamre from hell acantha but shes findin her own way ta support herself in her pain.

Ya see thats what its bout. we aiont got no one we can snuggkle up with and sook wtih its us an the kids an nothin much else so we gotta suck it up sista and get ova it. But i have ta admit wen they are alone and sittin in their own bedroom they get real pissed off with pepes that are tryin ta stand in their way. But it aint s.toppin em kepin tryin.

Tomorow if noel is up ta it some alters as askin fa cammunion. Now fa me i aint gettin it but it aint bout me undastandin why they wanna ave communion its bout he fact that is wats its important ta em. All i want is that if that is wat makes eme feel beta good on em.

As im watchin wats goin on im mazed bote the healin that is goin on an i rekon its pretty grouse.



  1. Michael, you are right, you guys are healing, and it takes all shapes and forms, but it's still healing. We are so inspired by all of your journey. Really.

  2. Your insightfulness is a great addition to the healing of your "pepes". Knowing that communion is healthy and healing for them (and not your thing) and not standing in their way shows how wonderful you really are.

  3. I agree with all the above. Healing sometimes is baby steps. ((((((HUGS))))))
