Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Ok im exhausted mentally and physically. This fortnight ive had classes until sometimes 5 after getting up at 5 am. Ive sat a first aid prac exam, completed my food supervisors certificate, sat a first aid written exam, started a component of die try requirements and on top of that tomorrow face a four hour cooking exam on meat. On top of that ive written my first resume in twenty years and today in sadness removed all the facial piercings in my face in readiness for my interview and starting in the nursing home. this last few days ive also suffered the interrupted sleep of someone who has had a heavy therapy session and is recovering.

As for Ebony she is doing well. yesterday she announced she felt strong enough to finish what she started but alas the news was sorry not for a few weeks. Rachel is on leave until the end of September. Now normally with Acantha this would elicit a whole Lotta of trauma but for Ebony she sat in thought and then said well who says i cant keep healing whilst shes away the more the time the better. I was pretty impressed, funny enough i felt i needed more therapy than ebony LOL.

But another interesting component has arisen. Johnny, hes been a quieter member of system until it seems now. Johnny was until a few years ago hardened cult, he was ferocious at keeping any human being at bay and for many years we had little to no friends. He also had control over peoples fear of us. Then a few years ago something in him changed and he changed sides and boy did he change sides. Now he is a active internal member of stopping the secrets, his motto is secrets kill life, truth gives it.

For him to write a blog is remarkable, because Acantha was cruel in Johnnys honesty. Johhny sat with her one day telling her what might come it was from that conversation that Acantha decided no littles were to ever give her anything ever again as they might be giving her the devil. Johnny melted into the background that day, forever loathing and never again talking to Acantha. But this time Johnny has taken Ebony under his wing helping her heal in ways that i didnt expect. Johnnys all about expelling the lies and in Ebony's story he has told her what they were doing and how often hed seen it done that her story wasnt unique in cult practices. Its helped ebony partly heal.

But this also risen some unhealed wounds left by Acantha. Deeper wounds that alarm me in the way that i now am scared that she has gone deeper than i expected. Is it possible that Acantha was a cult re programmer, i know ive said it before but there is too many coming to light now. So my job is to protect the system from many things but now i believe its to un program the ex therapist programs.


1 comment:

  1. So impressed Johnny decided to blog too then. What hell to experience as a protector. Impressive, Johnny.

    Mia from Journal of Healing
