Friday, June 25, 2010


Well we are sitting in sunny queensland, it is warm and sunny and my kids are swimming in the pool and we are sipping cocktails, before noon LOL. So far we have been to movie world and dream world, they were fantastic. We have been down rides and seen sights and characters and the littles have even had a chance to go on rides its been amazing. Tomorrow we head to dream world for two days of fun and frivolity.

The only glitch has been the first day we were leaving our ex therapist who we have put a complaint in about requesting more information. Mainly dates that i say things occurred occurred. So again ive whizzed through my blogs and on my holidays sipping champagne i have found all the relevant info. Some of the more dumber questions she sent was when she says my client overdosed when did she say that occurred and what possible effect would that have on her.

the rest were about when did she say she went into flashback state and what date was that. LOL so i took so many blog accounts and sent then through. One of them involved giving info about money so that will have to wait until i get to my back to get those details. But i have said that if she can prove she gave receipts id like to see them.

Besides that we have another five days here at our resort then head home for a few weeks before we start college again. We are so looking forward to our future amazing isnt it.



  1. I'm am so happy to hear the joy in your post. HAVE FUN!!!

  2. I hope you have a wonderful time! Relax, enjoy the sun and the fun!

    Love your new blog. I do not go to blogs very often any longer, but all my blogger friends still come to mind often.

